Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Unemployment Is the Biggest Challenge for Mozambican Youth

Lack of employment opportunities remains the biggest concern for young people in Mozambique, a country of 19.6 million people, with an unemployment rate of over 20 percent, and around 70 percent of its population living below the poverty line. Despite the commendable efforts of the government and its partners to provide education - a basic requirement in addressing poverty and unemployment - access to quality education remains a major concern. It is significant to note that the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Department for World Service ( DWS) program in Mozambique has made a significant contribution in providing both formal and non-formal education in Southern Africa country. But there are many challeges including the high incidence oh HIV and AIDS (estimated at 16 percent in the 16-49 age group) coupled with slow behavioral change toward the disease despite the widespread awareness about its infection and transmission. The lack of effective mechanisms to involve young people in decion-making processes stricks out as a missed opportunity and a statement that adults do not take the young people seriously.